Peace of mind, Safe Therapy
We use only disposable needles.
Complete physical and mental
well-being is the first priority,
we provide the best therapy for
the patient
We strive for long-lasting results, realized in a noticeably healthier lifestyle.

We provide treatment for all ages, from grandparents to grandchildren
Our therapy avoids unnecessary physical burden on the body.
Center of gravity,
Movement and Oriental Medicine

We diagnose and treat a patient with movement. This is ‘therapy tailored to each individual’s body’
Movement shows unique characteristics in humans. Human movement is categorized into six basic types: side to side, back and forth, and left to right turns.

Movement begins with instruction from the brain. We express complex emotions in our movement. When something depressing happens, our posture shows our depression. When something happy happens, our posture naturally reflects our happiness.
If we have stomach ache, our posture naturally tries to protect our stomach. We diagnose and treat based on movement, because each patient has a different ‘movement’
About Symmetric Therapy

Strain outside equals strain inside
The important thing is the body’s foundation, the pelvis.
Movements repeated over a long period of time, side to side, back and forth, and turning left to right, show through in each individual in certain unique ways. These are the individual habits of people, characteristics of their movement. Strain is caused by repetition of movement. Strain outside is cause of strain inside and the opposite is also true. Put simply, our outside (the motor system) is a container. Imagine a house.
If you put furniture inside a house on a tilt, that furniture because of the tilt of the house will also become tilted. If we liken this to a person, the skeletal structure is the columns, the muscle is walls. Organs correspond to furniture. Inside the human body is made of 70% water, so if the structure is tilted everything inside will be unevenly spread. In case of mild strain, 80% of recovery is achieved by sleeping or relaxing. But the remaining 20% accumulates and displays itself in a way that we can observe.
When our body is out of form, all our organs tilt towards the problem area. The Pelvis is the structural foundation of our bodies, just like the foundation of a building. So we correct this strain readjusting the balance of the body.
- Director of Physio Tokyo Fukumoto Japanese Holistic Clinic
- Shimpei Fukumoto