Japanese Acupuncture part 1 ‘History of Japanese Acupuncture’
To the world Acupuncturist. What is Japanese Acupuncture? When i go to other country, everyone asked me What is Japanese Acupuncture? I will try to introduce about Japanese Acupuncture in my blog. I couldn’t find Japanese Acupuncture book in other country’s book store. Most of books from Chinese or Korean. So I was wondering, it’s hard to get to know Japanese Acupuncture from other country. If this blog helps you that is my pleasure. Japanese Acupuncture Part 1. History of Japanese Acupuncture.
When start Japanese Acupuncture? Where acupuncture comes from? World oldest acupuncture books are founded in B.C 168 in China. How about in Europe? B.C3300 In Europe ALPS Iceman was founded. The Iceman injured Low back pain. Iceman acupunctured himself. Master Hirokimi Matsuda explained ‘We can consider acupuncture has started multiple places in the world. In Japan, acupuncture came from China in 5thcentury. Japanese oldest Medical book Ishinpo wrote by emperor’s acupuncture doctor Tanba Yasuyori in 984. Japanese Traditional Medicine(acupuncture, moxibution and Herb) contributed Japanese Health till Edo period in 18th century. After Edo period during World War, Western Medicine was adopted because of we needed soldiers injuries by surgery. But today still have Japanese Traditional Medicine. It is inherited by Master to their students.
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